Will Feel Good

Wellness Services

In-Home & Community


Virtual Wellness

Improve Your Mental Fitness

Our Therapy Pricing Plans

Individual Therapy

$ 159
  • Discovery Session
  • Evaluation Session
  • One-on-One Session
  • Another Feature

Group Therapy

$ 259
  • Up To 4 Adults
  • Another Feature
  • One-on-1 Session
  • Discovery Session
  • Evaluation Session
  • Yet Another One

Child Therapy

$ 89
  • Discovery Session
  • Evaluation Session
  • One-on-One Session
  • Another Feature

“Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins (toxins) against Nature. When enough sins (toxins) have accumulated, illnesses will suddenly appear.” – Hippocrates

Rather than creating goals based in dietary fads and rigid theories, we work closely with each person to identify what foods and eating habits work best for you and your body.

Feel Good Wellness provides education for achieving a healthy lifestyle, support for cultivating sustainable long term health, and a variety of solutions in which the foundation for health is exercise and eating clean, nutrient-rich fruits & vegetables. In conjunction with building immune support, we help prevent and treat daily stressors. These include pesticides, preservatives, disruptive hormones, viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and toxins, all of which constantly disrupt our body’s health.

“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.” – Hippocrates

How Wellness

Works For You

At Feel Good, we offer a safe nonjudgmental space for you to talk about anything that is overwhelming you or even just making life extra tough. Your perspective of
your experience is essential. We will work together to develop a plan to confront your challenges and achieve an improved quality of life. It takes learning, listening to our bodies, testing, and putting into place a good plan of action that is good for you to make our goals a reality.

Wellness is a positive approach to living a healthy lifestyle. While we cannot control our genes, we can somewhat control the toxins and triggers that we are exposed to. This optimum state of functioning allows our bodies to do what they do best, function and heal.

At Feel Good Wellness, we aim to educate and remove barriers to health. We want to make wellness functional for everybody. We know that our bodies are continuously evolving and when we remove barriers and provide conditions for optimum functioning as we pay particular attention to any areas of disease or need, we can rehabilitate and provide your body with the tools necessary to achieve a state of good health.

Many of us have learned to rely upon quick fixes in order to feel better and get back to our lives… and these solutions are effective, but is this health or the absence of a debilitating illness? Our bodies are amazing and can masque illnesses over very long periods of time, but our decisions do catch up to us at some point.

Given enough time and energy we can empower ourselves to live better and in turn realize improved productivity, performance, and keep long term healthcare costs low. To seek wellness, is to create simple and achievable goals that, when stacked upon another over time, create an optimum environment for our bodies to thrive in and perform optimally.

Life is too short to stay stuck.

Simple, sustainable, and satisfying solutions… this is our goal and and individualized approach for each person will help us to achieve this.
We know just how insurmountable it can seem, but with planning and a mindful approach, making healthy living functional and even simple can be done even if our culture has made healthy living far too complicated.

At Feel Good Wellness, we want to help give you the tools and support you need to make these seamlessly easy decisions while you’re busy living life. We aim to help you create new habits that you look forward to doing as you regain a healthy and happy approach.

Simple, sustainable solutions that work for everybody. That’s what we share.

Given enough time and the proper tools, our bodies are given the opportunity to heal. Wellness is a lifestyle approach, not a pharmaceutical. You will notice changes in time, though it is not a solution you will find instantly. The study of wellness is a paradigm shift from the absence of disease and topical solutions, to building your own body’s immune system and strengthening your body by providing you with what your body needs, such as nutritional supplementation and minimizing toxic exposures.

Wellness is a process. Health is a state of being. When you focus on wellness long enough, it is our hope that you will achieve a state of balance and better health.

At Feel Good Wellness, we incorporate what you bring as challenges and strengths, cultural understanding, and our experience managing care in both the insurance and pharmaceutical world. Our approach is understanding you and your goals and finding out the best course of action accordingly.

We take an individual approach for each person and customize a plan that works for you. The expertise of working as a therapist, a medical case manager for people with infectious diseases, and studying wellness will guide our journey to find the best approach for you.

At Feel Good, we use your personal strengths and experiences in a multi-systemic approach for evaluating and working with you and your areas of need. As behavior specialists, we have techniques to help  guide our wellness journey. Having worked alongside doctors and specialists while managing patient care as an infectious disease medical case manager, we incorporate managed care in our treatments.

Studying natural medicine to improve my personal health outcomes and quality of life has been pivotal for my own life journey. It is through this lived experience that I was empowered to seek and find my own answers. It was also during this journey that I made far too many mistakes.

Studying medicine for over a decade has taught me what, when, and how to focus on areas of need, and, equally important, what not to do. Prescriptions are FDA regulated, and while they come with their own risks, they are tested and provide a very specific product. In natural medicine, many supplements are not third party tested, they can come with traces of very toxic ingredients, they can have very dangerous quantities, and they can be more detrimental to your health than you might know.

Today, we are challenged with a multitude of barriers to wellness and it takes understanding of the medicine itself, the body, and the interconnected nature of these varying lived challenges to provide perspective that allows us to address the root cause of the problems. At Feel Good, this is our expertise. Having personally experienced the challenges of navigating these intersections along with the professional toolset to give us a road map for our journey is what allows Feel Good Wellness to better help you through your roadblocks.